Feeling bogged down by relentless clickbait and biased news stories firing at you from all angles? We were too, until we discovered the 1440 Daily Digest, a comprehensive daily news source that consolidates everything you need to know into one single thoughtfully curated morning briefing.

We all lead busy lives and sifting through the news to separate the wheat from the chaff simply isn't a priority for many of us. That's where 1440 comes in: the company's editorial team scours hundreds of sources to efficiently digest the most important news and information of the day without drowning readers in biased content or opinion disguised as fact.

Like many of the best companies, 1440 was founded out of the identification of a flawed system, and a desire to do something about it. Co-founders Andrew Steigerwald, a scientist working on Capitol Hill, and Tim Huelskamp, a venture capitalist, felt stuck in a broken media landscape. Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of agenda-driven messaging and frustrated by echo chamber-reinforcing algorithms that determined their news intake, Steigerwald and Huelskamp decided to take matters into their own hands. The pair left their careers and launched 1440 in 2017. What started off as an email among 78 of their friends now boasts over 900,000 subscribers, who turn to 1440 for a five-minute fix of culture, science, sports, politics, business, and more.

What sets 1440 apart from other daily digest newsletters is its offering of objectivity. In an increasingly divided political landscape where sensationalistic news stories are rife, the 1440 Daily Digest provides an impartial and politically neutral view of what’s happening in the world so that readers, i.e. you, can form your own conclusions. It's a refreshing approach that's breaking the media mould. Try it for yourself – sign up for free and notice the difference.

Learn more about 1440 Daily Digest.

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