“Curiosity is natural to the soul of man and interesting objects have a powerful influence on our affections.” Those are the words of American pioneer Daniel Boone, but they could equally be the musings of the Chamber Gallery, New York, famed for its eclectic and enchanting exhibitions that have come to define the make-up of New York art over the last two years.





In order to celebrate the gallery’s two-year anniversary, Chamber has announced the opening of an exclusive exhibition titled ‘Of Cabinets and Curiosities’. The exhibition will feature cabinets by nine designers chosen by Juan Garcia Mosqueda, each with an accompanying curio chosen by the specific designer. The concept and title self-reference Chamber’s overarching theme; that the gallery is a contemporary requiescence for unique objects. As the founder of Chamber, Juan Garcia Mosqueda, explains:

“We could think of no better way to celebrate two years of Chamber than asking some of our favourite designers, many of whom have contributed to Chamber already, to present designs that capture the gallery’s personality so well. Chamber is, after all, a modern day cabinet of curiosities.”



For further information, be sure to check out the Chamber Gallery website.