Derelict buildings redecorated with graffiti is a sight you will have seen many times before, but we suspect you have never seen murals quite like the ones created by Javier de Riba.



'Isatis Tinctoria' Floors Installation from Javier de Riba on Vimeo.

Spanish artist de Riba travels from abandoned building to abandoned building, making his mark with paint along the way. But instead of just branding the walls with a range of idiosyncratic scribbles, Javier paints the floors of neglected areas to create bold graphic floor tiles in whatever space he sees fit.

What makes de Riba’s work so special is the fact that his bright geometric patterns appear exactly like floor tiles - as if they are the only element of the building that has been considerately preserved over time.


[caption id="attachment_22507" align="alignnone" width="950"]Opumo4 .[/caption] [caption id="attachment_22508" align="alignnone" width="1000"]Opumo5 .[/caption]}

Similar to the work of a screen printer, de Riba works layer by layer by first painting the entire space which he plans to canvas before working to one-coloured stencils to build-up the intricate tile-effect. The complex design not only creates a kaleidoscopic motif but a visual illusion; as the spray painted floors provide an enchanting and unusual focus amongst the derelict, dusty floors.



Check out more of Javier de Riba’s work by following him on Instagram, @javierderiba and by stopping by his Facebook page, JRGraphics.