Luxury is transforming. No longer is it the sole prerogative of the multi-national conglomerates, acquiring more and more brands in a bid for global domination. Young, fresh labels foregrounding sustainability and a season-less approach are now at the forefront of what may be a seismic change in fashion. Take Longevity of London, very much one of the new breed. Their mission for your wardrobe: "improve and simplify". This new fashion has a near anti-fashion message, and it's compelling.
Longevity's chosen name says it all. These are pieces created to remain with you, whatever the fickle demands of mainstream trends. First collections of the new label, founded in 2021, take their lead from the square, hyper-functional lines of utilitarian workwear. Inspirations, say the founders who both have a backstory in design engineering, come less from other clothing labels and rather more from art, architecture and even music, with regular playlists set to become a feature as new pieces are released.
Longevity call their approach "the pursuit of less". The look is refreshingly minimal. Longevity's Classic Tee is loose cut, with dropped sleeves and a relaxed ribbed knit neckline. Signature hoodies echo this deceptively simple approach. Like all great minimalism, the key is in the almost obsessive attention to detail. Cottons are organic, while most manufacture is in England with the concomitant reduced carbon footprint.
Running through this new luxury is sustainability, or as Longevity's founders put it: "Longevity will not be a part of the fast fashion cycle of cheap and poorly constructed clothing or degrading garments to disposables that become waste." When choosing suppliers, commitment to Longevity's ethical aims is front and central, with everything from fabrics to packaging, ethically and sustainably-sourced.
Form follows function may be an over-used axiom. In the case of Longevity, form follows function meets sustainability results in crisp, minimal styling and all-day, all-season clothing. Less is more? Most certainly.
Learn more about Longevity London.