Perusing Instagram has become a fully-fledged pastime. Sometimes you discover new inspiration, sometimes you discover things perhaps you wish you did not see – but sometimes, you find something altogether more special.

Which is why we are continuing our weekly series that offers an insight into the best sights and minds on Instagram – following on from @Lucahalma – to feature one of our favourite French photographers, @Arnaudmontagard.
Name: Arnaud Montagard
Location: I’m a French photographer based in Brooklyn, New York
Camera: Mamiya 7 & Canon 5D
Full-Time Job: Photographer
What Do You Use Instagram For: Simply to discover new talents and to showcase my work
What Is Your Favourite Photograph On Your Instagram & Why: My favourite picture was captured last October in Seattle, Washington (above). I like the shadows and tones, it makes me think it is a painting.
Favourite Place Your Instagram Has Taken You: Canada
Top Tip For Instagram: Share what you like and not what you think people would like
Three Of Your Favourite Instagram Accounts:
Follow @Arnaudmontagard & OPUMO.