Sometimes it’s what you can’t see that counts. The idyllic 200-year-old Cascina farmhouse in the Piedmont region of north-west Italy retains all the character and patina of its long life. And yet, due to what Jonathan Tuckey Design describe as an “intervention”, the building has been transformed into a minimalist home and studio with extensive under-the-skin work to future-proof this piece of history for another century, or perhaps two.


Key is the current architectural buzzword: retrofitting - adding new systems to older structures rather than demolishing them. Here original tiles are repurposed, old gnarled roof timbers retained while insulation is added beneath, along with solar panels and a heat pump. Granular render to the exterior reveals old brick. Hand-crafted plaster inside reveals age, while local chestnut to new fittings ensures this building remains part of its landscape. Contemporary indulgences include a spa to the basement and a pool to the rear. Inspirational.

Discover another inspiring minimalist home.