Aculco House by PPAA is situated amidst the natural beauty of Aculco, Mexico. When two brothers discovered the site during a rock-climbing trip, they instantly fell in love with it. On their return home, they acquired and reforested the site and recently commissioned the Aculco House project.


Surrounded by the sweeping countryside and cliffs of Aculco, the small 90 sq. m. property is a complete getaway from the busy city. As the project was heavily inspired by its location, PPAA saw it fit to only use materials in-keeping with the environment. The walls of the house are made of quarry stone from the area, accompanied by clay floors, wood and glass, all of which are untreated, left in their raw state.


Inside the property is enough space for two beds and a simple kitchen, and most importantly, a large area for kicking back in front of the wood-burning fireplace. This is a location for turning the phone off and really sinking into the beautiful natural surroundings of the Aculco area.


Photography: Rafael Gamo

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