The Village House by Luigi Rosselli unites ages through materials, furniture and use of space. The huge bungalow dates back to the Federation era of Australia. Named The Village House thanks to its many different roofs and wings, this property is ideal for a large family to fill out the space.

The new additions to the original house stretch out to the back of the property to best capture the Northern sun, while the rest of the house reaches the other direction to a pool and pool house.


Perhaps most striking about the project is the use of materials, many of which are the original materials of the century-old home, specifically timber shingles and bricks that have been recycled from the original structure. The fragments of recycled materials are connected by Rosselli’s continued use of rammed earth while the roof of differing sizes and shapes helps unify the complex layout of The Village House.

The use of furniture and maintenance of formal rooms built in the early 1900s aligns this modern renovation with its history. Walking through the original veranda to the modern curved steel staircase embodies the walk through history that The Village House embodies. The materials and architectural language relate to the history of the house without trying to mimic it.

Photography by Justin AlexanderEdward BirchPrue Ruscoe.

Discover more of Luigi Rosselli's incredible work by heading to their website and following them on Instagram

If you’re in the mood for more of the world’s finest architecture, then check out Luciano Kruk’s concrete masterpiece in Buenos Aires.

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