Whether you’re a petrolhead or more inclined to innovative architecture, FBF Collezione is sure to impress. Situated in Brazil, this huge 3517 sq.m. plot houses some of the world’s most coveted machines and it goes way beyond the call of duty.


Any warehouse can keep cars safe, right? Caio Yoshiaki Nagano and Rodolfo Biagi Becker recognised that and decided that FBF Collezione had to do more than it says on the tin. From the architectural design to the fine details, this place has it all.


The space is designed with accessibility in mind: with this many cars and motorbikes in one place, each needs to be able to get in and out without a fuss. Multiple exits on each face of the building as well as a three-ton capacity elevator ensure that no car is left behind, no matter which of the three floors it is kept on.


Perhaps most fascinating is the underground level which stages some of the most valuable cars in the collection. This floor has as little natural light and external airflow as possible to provide the best environment for ageing cars.


The roof of the property is designed to direct rainwater into a reservoir holding 70,000 litres. This water is used for toilets, taps in the workshop and irrigation of the garden. Accompanying this system is a collection of over 160 photovoltaic panels that make the building completely self-sufficient.

A monumental undertaking, this vast warehouse is a futuristic development that caters to all sides of the spectrum.

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They say you can't predict the future without knowing the past, so for design's sake, take a look at Phaidon's comprehensive Art Museum Book.