To escape the fast-paced life of New York City, a retired couple set their sights on a secluded space in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and enlisted Marc Thorpe’s architectural studio to bring a minimalist home to life. Sitting proudly on five stretching acres of land, the intuitive solar-powered house was designed with a neo-brutalist approach to enliven its eco-friendly design.
Located just north of Santa Fe, the Sharp House is a clean and rectangular volume that benefits from large glass exposures to the north and south to allow sunlight and sufficient cross ventilation to operate throughout the day.
The design of Marc Thorpe’s Sharp House maintains material and geometric integrity throughout and makes use of these elements to create a dynamic family home. In total, the property measures 2,000 square feet and consists of two bedrooms, a dining room, kitchen, living area and bathroom. On its western flank, an integrated ladder offers access to the roof and incredible views of the open scenery.
What’s more, Thorpe’s minimalist and ecological approach is further underlined by the usage of monocrystalline solar panels, which powers the entire energy for the home. All the excess power is saved and fed back into the power grid, making the Sharp House a perfect example of sustainable modern living.
All Images by Truetopia
For more of the best sustainable design, take a retreat into the wilderness with the Mount Macedon House.